Viramontes City

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Round 16 finished 10.14.12
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Friday, October 1, 2010

Debbie King Chapter 3--Life is full of surprises.

Debbie King Chapter 3
Debbie King (47) Formerly married to Ian Barillas, Marcel Go (59), Ronan Parmelly (39)
Narrated by Debbie King.
Debbie King Chapter 3
Marcel and I have been dating over two years. I like him a lot but it seems that he feels more for me than I for him.
Debbie King Chapter 3
Sex is very seldom for us. He used to be embarrassed when I pushed for us to be intimate. Now I have given up and wait for his "signal" to proceed forward.
Debbie King Chapter 3
Besides all that he gives me stability. He loves my cat so that is a plus for him. Did I ewven mention that I adopted not one but two cats. Their names are Goliath and Brewski. I cant wait to see what type of kittens they will have.
Debbie King Chapter 3
Marcel told me that he wanted to go back to college and finish his college degree. It seemed ridiculous to me but at the same time I saw it as a way out. I told him that I needed space and he needed to focus on school. For the most part he understood....for the other he thought I meant a break versus a break up. Who am I to correct him?
Debbie King Chapter 3
We have new staff at work and I am to train him on everthing in the office. He is our newest acquired lawyer and his name is Ronan Parmelly. He is intelligent and quite the looker. I invited him over for dinner since he lives alone and has no family here in Viramontes.
Debbie King Chapter 3
We really hit it off and before long he managed to ask me on a date. Why is it that I always get men that are younger than me? Ronan is only 37!
Debbie King Chapter 3
Our first and several dates after that were excellent. Conversation flowed between us and we are never at a loss for words.
Debbie King Chapter 3
We even took the next step and had sex. I felt like he made me purr. I did not mean to compare but Ronan is way better than Marcel. I had almost forgotten what good sex was.
Debbie King Chapter 3
I almost died when the carpool picked us up the next day. Our driver said she went to Ronan's place first and just figured he had called in sick. She never imagined he would be at home with me. This was so embarrassing but Ronan loved that everyone at work knew we were together.
Debbie King Chapter 3
Things with Ronan go so smoothly with out an effort on my part. It has been a long time that I felt so good about being with someone.
Debbie King Chapter 3
We go out to dinner a lot and Ronan is always paying. He can not believe that I am a legal secretary after all these years. I told him about Ian and my children and he said that I did not look like a mother of three. He even called me a milf! What in the world could that possibly mean?
Debbie King Chapter 3
On a cruel joke Ronan told me to meet him at the mall...he even specified the bridal shop. I was a little surprised. I did not know what he was intending on doing.
Debbie King Chapter 3
I guess I am clueless because before you know it he proposed to me. I still can not believe that he actually proposed to me.
Debbie King Chapter 3
I hugged him and asked him if he was sure. He told me that he was never sure of anything like he was about us. I told him that I would be honored to be his wife.
Debbie King Chapter 3
I could not wait so I called my kids in college to tell them. Julio thought I was lying. I do not know if Darcy accepted it or not. He was so quiet when I told him and did not say a word. Ian grabbed the phone and asked what I had said. I told Ian and he congratulated me. I am so happy.

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