Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
thanks for taking a look at my Sims2 blog. You should start at Round 8 and then move forward. Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated!.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Round 13

Hello and welcome to round 13 The population of my simmies has grown to 38 households. Here are the ROS' for this round.
1. Unexpected pregnancy--Lauren Santander
2. death by disease (really)--Kampol Do
3. Charity strikes, donate $630. Adam Barillas. He had no problem paying it.
4. Faking and slacking call in sick 4 days in a row.--Africa Dominguez
5. Death by disease. I rolled this one and then rolled Ivan..wierd because he is scheduled to die anyway.
6. Project due sim must write novel in 24 hours or get demoted.--Oscar Simon.
7. Inner peace sim. Sim must meditate for 6 Hours a day. Carson Barillas. I did not like this one.

The households: remember the link will be active once I have played the household.

Brianna Barillas

Ian Barillas
Marcos Barillas
Asia Dominguez
Africa Dominguez
Juno Leopardi
Miguel Dominguez
Francisco Otani
Adam Barillas
Atani Dominguez
Suki Dominguez
Justin Barillas
Ethan Leopardi
Madeline Leopardi
Alfredo Barillas
Carson Barillas
Dylan Barillas
Shaila Barillas
Melody Sofia Barillas
Ariel Dominguez
Isabel Barillas
Aaron Barillas
Beatrix Leopardi
Ivan Leopardi
Rodrigo Leopardi
Dominica Dominguez
Oscar Simon Barillas
Amarilis Barillas
Consuelo Barillas
Audrina Barillas
Lizandra Barillas
Lauren Barillas
College Students:
Oscar Joshua III, August and Julio Barillas
Debbie King (ex of Ian)
Linda Chalmers (ex of Marcos
Orlando Bertino (ex of Lizandra)
Aiden Royce (ex of Madeline Leopardi)

Round 12 completed!

Well round 12 is complete here is a summary followed by my thoughts and comments:
Africa Dominguez gave birth to Quads: Caleb, Kenya, Sahara and Amin.
Brianna and Neil gave birth to Samira.
Jacquelyn Barillas gave birth to Hellen.
Ariel gave both to Nianna.

Darius Dominguez. I truly hated this ROS. I had so many plans with him but alas it was not mean to be.
Alfredo and Merlin Barillas

Shaila and Weldon Fairchild

Madeline Leopardi and Aiden Royce - This was part of their marriage roll. I roll a dice when a sim gets married to see if they stay together, divorce or have an affair.
Lizandra Barillas and Orlando Bertino--This was also part of their marriage roll. It was not meant to be. They survived 3 years. Not bad for teens that started dating at 16 and got married at 18 right before they got to college.

1. I have to commit to writing better notes because I know I forgot some sims baby...maybe Heather Barillas having a baby?
2. I want to really build my city with a hospital, church, law office etc. I just dont know how to meld all this together. I really don't want to get so detailed that I have to build all these buildings or offices. I have a listing of all jobs and what levels are allowed for those that have no degree, bachelors, masters and doctorates.
3. I changed the Masters and Doctorates program. Having them learn life skills was taking wayyy too long. I use Insimenator to get them these skills but then I made them write a novel. I have to devise a new way.
4. I started titling a few stories more than sim name chapter #. I don't know if this will work out but we shall see.
5. I decided to allow same sex pregnancies. I was opposed to this but these are simmies. I allow same sex marriage with all the rights so why not pregnancies. I might not show the males being preggers..I know...but still..
6. I am allowing my sims to make more of their choices. I read a lot of blogs here and honestly I like how their stories seem to go together. I have not achieved that yet but I like my three family trees and showing them getting married to townies. I started doing the "choice" allowance and that got Brianna and Neil Chalmers pregnant (she was supposed to be unable to get pregnant). They did this with ACR and I felt bad having her term her pregnancy.

Well that's it for now. I have two followers and to me thats amazing. I never thought I would have one let alone 2.

Hellen Barillas


Name: Hellen Barillas
Age: 5
Parents: Jacquelyn and Opal Barillas
Sibilings: none
Personality: n/a
Previous Employment:n/a
Business Owned:n/a
Lifetime Want:n/a
Last Updated: Round 15
Other portraits:
Consuelo Barillas ch 12
Consuelo Barillas ch 13

Monday, July 5, 2010

Carmela Moore

Beatrix Leopardi
Name: Carmela Moore
Age: 5
Parents:Beatrix Leopardi and Christopher Moore.
Previous Employment:n/a
Business Owned:n/a
Lifetime Want:n/a
Last Updated: Round 14
Previous portraits:
Beatrix  Leopardi Chapter 4
Beatrix leopardi ch 5