Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
thanks for taking a look at my Sims2 blog. You should start at Round 8 and then move forward. Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated!.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Round 16- ROS

Welcome to Round 16.
Years: 2003-2004
I can't wait to start this round. Here are the ROS 1 per every 5 households. I currently have 54 households.

1. Bonus from job. Rolled and it came out to $7,000,
2. Go on second honeymoon.
3. Tornado Destroys house.- rolled moved to new house
4. Win medium prize- Rolled $5000
5. Start slacking at work. Call off 3 days.
6. Tornado destroys house. rolled- Leave house for 1 round and return to unfurnished house.
7. Shot Gun Wedding- this one shocked me!!
8. Make over spree spend $6000
9. Reassessment of property you owe $1500 more taxes
10. Blind date or date rampage. Choose highest ltr or spouse.
11. Win small prize $600.

Whats new this round?
1. I am bringing back one Dominguez extra that I totally forgot about. I will play sims that have been divorced from my existing core sim families. Example: Melody and Joshua if they do finalize their divorce then he will be a playable and get their own update, family etc. they have to be married to the core sim or have a child with the a core sim.
I am bringing back Hayden Stompel who was married to Suki Dominguez. I have not played him in forever! I totally forgot about him until I started looking at my old posts.
2. House insurance- if a sim wants to protect their house it will be $1000 a year which is $2000 per round. They must have it in the bank. No loan permitted for this.
3. Rent/mortgage- As I mentioned before I have been slacking on this part. Rent will be charged each playing session. As far as mortgage well they owe the loan which gains 5% interest each playing session. It tends to add up quickly (thus Africa Dominguez is really suffering)
4. School playing session- I can't stand playing school but I realize that my sims are going to college with little or no skills at all! So I am going to play them in a school setting (no pics) and let them gain a skill. This will add on to the skills they roll to build at home. Lets see how this plays out.
As always thanks for reading!!!

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