Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Hayden Stompel- Chapter 3- Right in front of me.

Hayden (48), live in friend Jan (39), his girlfriend Kendra (37)
Narrated by Hayden 
Last update/next update
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Jan and I have been getting alone lately. I am still getting used to her having a child for me.  We are trying hard to make sure the line between friend and ex lovers is drawn clearly.
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Kendra and I are still dating. We are still working on her being comfortable with Jan living with me.  She says she is good with it but I am not sure.  She came over the other day because she needed to talk. 
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I knew it would not be good when she sighed as she sat down.  She started by telling me that she is jealous about me living with Jan.  She feels that Jan and I are connected because of our baby.  I know what she means but I want to make sure my child is taken care of as well.  At the end of our conversation, she told me that she could not continue our relationship anymore. 
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I called her and asked her to come back. She told me that there was nothing else that I could do to change her mind.  She left and there was nothing that I could do about it.
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A few days passed and Jan knew that something was up.  I didn't feel like talking to her but I also didn't want to keep this bottled up. Before I knew it I was spilling out my guts to my baby's mother. After I was done I felt relieved to get that stuff off my chest.  Jan told me that once the baby came she would move out and things would be better.  I told her that we would take things one day at a time.
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Jan's baby bump was growing. It was strange to feel the baby kick for the first time. I actually felt a lot of movement.  It was at this time that Jan told me that we were expecting triplets.  I felt the air suck out of my lungs when she told me that. I mean I was OK with the idea of having one child but three?  No matter how nervous I felt, Jan kept her calm composure and told me that everything would be OK.
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I let the shock wear off a little bit.  I hugged Jan. I missed us being friends.  It felt natural to hug her and share this moment together.
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It started feeling too much like old times.  Before I knew it we were in bed making out.  That night we had passionate sex.  I was nervous about harming the babies but Jan told me that they would be OK.
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By the time that Jan gave birth, we were living as a couple.  I asked her if we should give ourselves a chance.  She told e that she was willing to try.  After all we had three babies that needed our attention and our love. 
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Jan decided to take some time off of work to take care of our children. She told me that once they were a little older she would go back to work. I was OK with this because who better to take care of our children than their own mother.
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My son Montgomery is such a great son. 
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Blair has also won over my heart.  She is going to be daddy's little girl. 
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Along with her sister Matriece. 

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I feel so complete right now. Jan says that she too feels happy with our life together.  Its funny how life can be. I had been looking for this and it was in front of me all along.

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