Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Ch. 1- Settled in

Elizabeth Ng (25) her kids: Orlinda Rebecca and Julius August (3)
Narrated by Elizabeth.
I am finally settled into my apartment and August brought over the kids to stay with me for a week. It seems like it has been forever since we were together. August was not too happy when we got divorced. It was hard on me too but I really needed to do this for myself and my children.  I was just not happy staying stagnant.
Julius is such a nice toddler. He likes school but I wish he could stay with me forever.  I managed to keep them going to preschool while they stay with me. 
Its fun having them around. It seems like yesterday when I was teaching them to walk.
I can tell right now that August needs to work on their bedtime.  They struggle with me when I put them down at a decent hour.  Now that August is living with Julio I think that my kids schedules have been affected. 
No matter how neutral I try to stay with August he manages to piss me off. I am trying to tell him about my school schedule and work but he just wants to argue that I never have the kids. I have a feeling that he wants more freedom now that he's dating. 
I told him to cool it because our agreement is two weeks him and two weeks me. I have no problem being with my kids but I refuse to have them all the time. They need their father in their life.  August doesn't see this but I do.  So for now we are back to square one. If he continues like this I will go back to court and make sure he never sees them. This could have a different turn out completely.
Once they are gone I feel sad and lonely.  But not to worry because I have to get my master's completed.  Its a lot of work but it will totally worth it in the end.
I found a part time job as a school monitor and it helps to pay some of my bills.  Sometimes I come home to see some of my neighbors playing chess. I decided to join them one day and met Blazej Livingston and Heath Smith. I think Heath is a little cute but I am not looking to date anytime soon.
Once I showed them who's queen of chess around here, its back to studying. I hope I finished this masters rather quickly!
Author's note:
The real Elizabeth Ng was a non playable that August fell for in University.  I got them married but kept Elizabeth as a "young adult" stage. Once divorced Elizabeth became corrupted. I moved her into an apartment and she could not click on anything at all. This was not the case when she lived with August. So I bit the bullet and deleted her and created a brand new Elizabeth Ng and reissued her family ties with the simneator.  Its funny because this Elizabeth loves August versus the old one hated him.  It hurt me to delete Elizabeth but there was nothing I could do and I didnt have the heart to kill her off.   So heres to the new and uncorrupted Elizabeth Ng.

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