Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
thanks for taking a look at my Sims2 blog. You should start at Round 8 and then move forward. Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated!.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Senior Graduates Round 16

Senior Graduates

Our High School Graduates:
Name:  Darcy Barillas
Parents: Ian Barillas and Debbie King-Parmely
Future Plans: Darcy has applied and been accepted to LaFiesta  tech College.  His parents could not be happier.
Name:David Barillas
Parents: Marcos Barillas and Linda Chalmers-Shin
Future Plans: He has applied and been accepted to La Fiesta Tech college where he will join his cousin Darcy Barillas.
Name: Eugenio Barillas
Parents: Marcos Barillas and Linda Chalmers-Shin
Future Plans: Has applied and been accepted to Sim State College.

Name: Pearla Barillas
Parents: Marcos and Linda Chalmers-Shin
Future Plans:  Has decided to begin looking for work and not going to college.

Name:Mateo Barillas
Parents: Marcos Barillas and Linda Chalmers-Shin
Future Plans:  Has decided to apply and attend Sim State University.
Name:Phillip Leopardi
Parents: Juno and Jade Leopardi
Future Plans: Has decided to put college on hold for now. Will attempt to purse a career.

Name: Stewart Leopardi
Parents:Juno and Jade Leopardi

Future Plans: Has decided to put college on hold for now. Will attempt to purse a career.

Name: Sasha Dominguez
Parents: Africa Dominguez and Laci Hourvitz
Future Plans: Has decided to attend to college at Sim State University.

Name: Nicolas Dominguez
Parents: Africa Dominguez and Laci Hourvitz
Future Plans:  Has decided to go to Sim State University.

Name: Sebastian Barillas
Parents: Aaron and Heather Barillas
Future Plans: Has applied and been accepted to Sim State University.

Name:Demetrius Barillas
Parents: Aaron and Heather Barillas

Future Plans: Has applied and been accepted to Sim State University.
Name: Minor Barillas
Parents: Aaron and Heather Barillas

Future Plans: Has applied and been accepted to Sim State University.
Name: Sarah Barillas
Parents: Aaron and Heather Barillas

Future Plans: Has applied and been accepted to Sim State University.

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