Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
thanks for taking a look at my Sims2 blog. You should start at Round 8 and then move forward. Let me know what you think. Comments are always appreciated!.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Welcome to Round 18

Hello everyone,
Welcome to Round 18.  I think I finally got a handle on how to post religiously. I will be working this round on adding more details to my sims bio pages.  Lets get started with this round's ROS.  I am not liking this ROS for this round at all. 1 ROS per household and my neighborhood has 72 active households.
  1. Win medium prize --$5000
  2. Charity Strikes-- must donate $2000
  3. Start slacking off of work-- call off for 1 day
  4. Death by accident------boo ROS
  5. Sim gets sick now and dies next season
  6. Start slacking off of work-- call off for 4 days
  7. Death by heart attack 
  8. House condemned must destroy and rebuild house on same plot
  9. On job assignment. Must stay away for 1 rotation
  10. Shot gun wedding. pick sim with highest LTR and get married.
  11. House destroyed by fire
  12. Sim wants to party- rolled to throw a barbecue
  13. property taxes are raised- $2000
  14. Date night with spouse or sim with highest ltr


  1. Oh no, lots of deaths this round! That stinks, but I'm excited about the shotgun wedding.

  2. 72 active households! That is so impressive. But I guess with one ROS per household, you are going to have a lot of mayhem and death, overall.
