- Makeover shopping spree--$9,000- Rodrigo Leopardi
- reassessment of property you owe..I rolled and it came out to $18,100- Lauren Santander
- Promoted! sim goes to next level in career- Marcos Barillas
- Yard Sale must sell 3 items from home-Consuelo Barillas
- On Job assignment, must leave for (rolled) 1 rotation- Lashawn Barillas (wife of Justin Barillas)
- Job relocation, sim must move to different location- Amarilis Barillas
- Sim gets sick and dies next season..this is a killer- Francisco Leopardi
- tornado destroys house, move to another location- Ian Barillas
- tax refund. Get$10,000 refund.- Raj Behal
- Get plastic surgery - this one is lame.- MacKenzie Macguire
- Go on second honeymoon- Oscar Joshua Jr.
- Fired stay unemployed for 1 (rolled) round- Veronica Barillas (wife of Isabel Barillas)
Ariel Dominguez and Zeeshan Despret
- Amarilis Barillas and Meadow Thayer
- Lizandra Barillas and Rodney Jung
- Deeba Shalo and Ted Chin
Deeba Shalo and Ted Chin
- Triplets: Montgomery, Blair and Matriece Stompel --Parents: Hayden Stompel and Jan F.
- Triplets: Jamie, Jason and Josie Rogers--Parents: Murillo and Duda Rogers
- Triplets: Sabrina, Karina and Murry Malcom Kavanuagh-- Parents: MacKenzie and Malcolm Kavanaugh
- Twins: Marianne Sole and Parker Joel Brown--Parents: DeLaney and Laurel Brown
- Iris Worthington--Parents: Frances and Cecilia Worthington
- Ankur Behal-- Parents: Raj and Lakshimi Behal
- Eli Aiden Royce Jr-- Parents: Sierra and Aiden Royce
- Oscar Maximo Barillas IV--Parents: Oscar and Ava Barillas
- Twins: Penelope and Marilu Guevara-- Parents: Asia and Vincent Guevara
- Triplets: Maggie, Shane and Carol Barillas-- Parents: Carson and Vanessa Barillas
There was a huge amount of births this round! Just one set of triplets likely beat my last round. Lots of potential friends and eventual dating and marriage though, which is fun!