Welcome to Round 18. I think I finally got a handle on how to post religiously. I will be working this round on adding more details to my sims bio pages. Lets get started with this round's ROS. I am not liking this ROS for this round at all. 1 ROS per household and my neighborhood has 72 active households.
- Win medium prize --$5000
- Charity Strikes-- must donate $2000
- Start slacking off of work-- call off for 1 day
- Death by accident------boo ROS
- Sim gets sick now and dies next season
- Start slacking off of work-- call off for 4 days
- Death by heart attack
- House condemned must destroy and rebuild house on same plot
- On job assignment. Must stay away for 1 rotation
- Shot gun wedding. pick sim with highest LTR and get married.
- House destroyed by fire
- Sim wants to party- rolled to throw a barbecue
- property taxes are raised- $2000
- Date night with spouse or sim with highest ltr