Viramontes City

We are currently in Round 17, which is scheduled to end 2/17/15.
Round 16 finished 10.14.12
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Juno Leopardi-Ch 17- Love is in the air

Juno (45) her girlfriend, Viola (42)
Kids: Phillip and Stewart (18), Cristina, Hugo, Lewis and Othaniel (8)
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Narrated by: Phillip
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Phillip and I have noticed that mom is happier than ever.  I think that she is really happy with Viola.  There has not been an official announcement but we know that mom is definitely in love.  Its great to hear her hum while she is getting breakfast ready.
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I went into the kitchen and yes mom definitely is happier. 
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It hasnt been easy but we all have pitched in to make our home life easier.  Stewart has decided to not go to college at this moment.  I on the other hand have decided to attend school online. Its not the greatest but it is the only option that I have now.
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My mom is not the only one trying her hand at love.  Stewart has been getting haircuts very regularly in hopes of asking out a young lady Barbara Kim.  I don't know if his stylist will give him the look needed to get Barbara to notice but any little bit helps.
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I on the other hand have had a little success.  I went out with Talin Deppiesse and had a lot of fun. We did the karaoke thing and I have to admit I sing pretty good.  OK OK.. I dont but one can dream right?  Talin was not too turned off with my singing.
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I guess it did help because Barbara stopped by to visit.  You could see that Stewart was so nervous. I told him to relax because I don't know about dating women but I know that no date likes a nervous Nelly.  Mom even met Barbara and took it easy on her.  yet another reinforcement that mom is in love herself. I guess the Leopardi household is the house of love for now. 

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